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Meaningful learning is opposed to rote learning or memorization and refers to learning in a new way where the new knowledge to acquire is related with previous knowledges (Ausubel, 2000), in other words, a form to constructing or bootstrapping previous information from past learning experiences. 

Within the cognitive theory of learning, based on the theory of human information processing, the 3 core processes of learning are : how knowledge is developed ; how new knowledge is integrated into an existing cognitive system ; and how knowledge become automatic.

Ausubel focused on meaningful learning, as "a clearly articulated and precisely differentiated conscious experience that emerges when potentially meaningful signs, symbols, concepts, or propositions are related to and incorporated within a given individual's cognitive structure" (Takač 2008, p. 26).

What is meaningful learning?
Have you ever thought about stop memorizing and start constructing knowledge?


Why is it important to improve education?

Today's world is changing more rapidly than ever before. Thanks to the current world interconnectedness we are becoming aware of the many changing situations, opinions and points of view all across the world. Education has not been the exception to this rule, we know that we cannot make today's students go back to the curriculum many of us went through around fifteen years ago, but if we are already aware that everything is based on technology nowadays, it would be a little foolish to let the opportunity pass. What we have to do is to take advantage of all the devices that students carry wherever they go, so instead of grounding or forbidding the use of them, we should encourage their use for research, since with the Internet they can find any number, date, place or author in less than twenty seconds. Thus, the real challenge for students and teacher of the 21st is to find the most viable way to merge together technology and education, as well as to overcome the challenge of trasnforming all that information into  meaningful information,and therefore learning(Howland,Jonassen & Marra 2011). 

Top 5 ways in which education could facilitate meaningful learning @UDLAP
  • Instant feedback

Adaptive Learning Systems are available 24/7 and provide instantaneous feedback on everything the student does. In the best systems the feedback itself is adaptive, looking to see what the student responds well to and adjusting accordingly. Other systems will blend adaptive learning with gaming so that students are given feedback based on the score they achieve in a game.

  • Personalized learning

Adaptive Learning is personalised all day, everyday. The machine looks at how the student performs in each activity and carefully chooses which one the student is to do next. In the best systems this means that there is an infinite number of ways through the available materials with learning pathways adapting to the needs of each and every student.

  • Supporting different learning styles

The best Adaptive Learning systems deliver a spread of activities that covers the range of learning styles and moreover, tailor the learning pathways that the system generates to the particular learning styles that each student responds to.

  • Reflection and self-awareness 

In the ideal classroom, all students are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and engaged with their own learning. With Adaptive Learning, the machine doesn’t label the student; it doesn’t judge or mock, it simply chooses the best route through the materials based on their capability. In this sense, the technology has great scope for helping less confident students discover (or re-discover) a love for learning that the practicalities of whole class teaching might otherwise have lost (Derrick, 2013). 

  • Global learning

At sites like, students can set up language lessons with a native speaker who lives in another country and attend the lessons via videoconferencing. Learning from a native speaker, learning through social interaction, and being exposed to another culture's perspective are all incredible educational advantages that were once only available to those who could foot a travel bill. Now, setting up a language exchange is as easy as making a videoconferencing call (Kessler, 2010).





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